هواكم مع يسرا

Despite his need for electric wheelchair, Syrian child donates his savings to quake victims

Hawaalsham- Despite his need for an electric wheelchair to go to his school in Raqqa liberated countryside and to facilitate his movement, child Mohammad Riyad al-Ali, has preferred to donate the money he has saved to the quake victims, conveying the most beautiful image of giving to the whole world.

“Standing with the people in Aleppo, Hama and Lattakia was greater than my aspirations and dreams,” With these words, Mohammad expressed his great sympathy for the quake-affected people.

Mohammad is a student in the first grade at al-Musheirfeh al-Sharqiya school in the liberated countryside of Raqqa. He opened his money box which contains a modest sum of money and donated it to the quake-affected people.

Mohammad has been saving the money with his parents to continue his treatment and to turn his manual wheelchair into an electric one to improve his movement, yet he preferred to extend a helping hand to the quake victims.

Mohammad says “I donated a small sum of money and it is not compared to what others provided to the affected people,” but he is convinced of the importance of what he did from the depths of his heart.

Mahmoud al –Shibli, Principal of Mohammad’s school noted that Mohammad is still in the first grade and continues his education, and despite his disability, he was the first to participate in the donation campaign to support and help those affected by the earthquake.

 SANA: Ruaa al-Jazaeri

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